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Photo and Video Chronology - Kīlauea - May 11, 2004

Sluggish lava, rainy morning

This is a photo of lava pouring slowly from under crust within Banana flow.
Lava pours slowly from under crust within Banana flow. Note how crust, plastic but incandescent, is already developing wrinkles. Width of active toe, 1 m.
This is a photo of toe advancing from opening in crust.
Toe advancing from opening in crust at top of image. Just left of center is flake of crust picked up from underlying surface. Width of view, 2 m.


This is a photo of a pear shaped lava.
Pendulous pear of lava, looking almost good enough to eat but a little on the hot side. Note stretched bubble walls and other filaments. About 30 cm high.
This is a photo of a family of small breakouts within Banana flow.
Family of small breakouts within Banana flow, as weather clears enough to see Holei Pali.


This is a photo of lounging sacks of lava.
Lounging sacks of lava, vaguely resembling sleeping sea lions. Width of view, 4-5 m.
This is a photo of Banana breakouts during a sunrise.
Sun is having tough time breaking through clouds this morning. Here it just peeks through, far below full strength, to glimpse Banana breakouts.


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