SAFRR Presents at SSA
Members of the SAFRR team attended and presented at the Seismological Society of America (SSA) 2015 Annual Meeting in Pasadena CA on April 21st to 23rd. On Wednesday April 22nd, Lucy Jones spoke during the Public Policy Luncheon "Resilience by Design: Advancing Seismic Safety in the City of Los Angeles," sharing stories and lessons from her experiences in past earthquakes and latest collaboration with the City of Los Angeles to improve resilience to earthquakes. Wednesday afternoon, Sue Perry presented "New Audiences, New Products, for the USGS National Seismic Hazard Maps" to share the ongoing efforts to incorporate lessons from social science and design thinking into scientific products such as the Hazard Maps to better reach potential audiences. Stephanie Ross presented a poster on "The SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: from Publication to Implementation", as well as coordinated an informal discussion bringing together Earthquake Program managers and scientists and members of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Project (NTHMP). Debbie Weiser presented her research in a poster on "Relative Contributions of Tectonic Strain and Pumping to Seismicity at California Geothermal Fields". See the SSA meeting program.
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