Community Announcement: USGS Ground Motion Study in the Walnut Creek/Concord Area Looking for Volunteers
The U. S. Geological Survey is seeking volunteers to host temporary seismic stations in the Walnut Creek/Pleasant Hill/Concord California area. Volunteers will be assisting with a new ground motion study that will begin in March 2017.
The experiment will look at ground motion from very small earthquakes and information collected will be used to help predict how the ground will shake during larger events. The area of interest is shown on this map.
A website is available to anyone willing to consider hosting a temporary seismic station in their home or business. This informational page explains the science involved in greater detail and also includes a map of the current deployments in the Tri-Valley area. At the bottom of this page, there is a link to the Walnut Creek/Concord area volunteer sign-up page that includes information on installation.
Any home or business owner who has additional questions is welcome to contact Alena Leeds at (303)273-8462.
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