The Wildlife Conservation Society Climate Adaptation Fund Announces 2020 Request for Proposals
The Climate Adaptation Fund at the Wildlife Conservation Society has released its request for proposals for the 2020 grant cycle. The program supports projects led by non-profit conservation organizations that implement effective interventions to help wildlife and ecosystems adapt to climate change.
Program Overview
With funding managed by the Wildlife Conservation Society, the WCS Climate Adaptation Fund will provide up to $2.5 million in competitive grants in 2020. Grants will run one to two years in length. Awards will be made to non-profit conservation organizations for applied, on-the-ground projects focused on implementing priority conservation actions designed to help wildlife and ecosystems adapt to climate change at a landscape scale. Application information and materials can be found on the WCS Climate Adaptation Fund website.
Funding Priorities
Project propsals must:
Focus on the functionality of ecosystems, rather than conserving individual species.
Be designed for long-term conservation impact.
Create the potential for impact at a landscape scale.
Use strategic, targeted communications activities to amplify adaptation outcomes.
Be designed with climate adaptation for wildlife and ecosystems as a core goal or outcome of the work.
Propose conservation goals and actions that are grounded in the best available science.
Conduct on-the-ground implementation, not research, planning or tool development.
To Apply
Submit a completed WCS Pre-proposal Application using the online application form no later than 5:00 PM Eastern Time on Wednesday, April 8, 2020. You will need to create a new account for your organization if you have not applied previously to the Climate Adaptation Fund online.
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