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Women of Hazards Featured During Women’s History Month on @USGS_Quakes Instagram

April 13, 2021

For Women’s History Month in March 2021 the @USGS_Quakes Instagram featured dozens of photos of female earthquake scientists and shout-outs with the hashtag #EarthquakeWomen from the Earthquake Science Center, Geologic Hazards Science Center and the Office of Communications and Publishing (OCAP).

A total of 37 awesome photos of female earthquake scientists and staff from the Earthquake Science Center, Geologic Hazards Science Center and the Office of Communications and Publishing were featured along with dozens of other shout outs with the hashtag #EarthquakeWomen. The new account gained hundreds of new followers throughout the month.

The photos were presented as "slide collections" on four posts, presented as four collages below.

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Images from @USGS_Quakes Women's History Month Instagram posts
Images of scientists and support staff for the 2021 @USGS_Quakes Women's History Month Instagram posts. (Public domain.)
Images from @USGS_Quakes Women's History Month Instagram posts
Images of scientists and support staff for the 2021 @USGS_Quakes Women's History Month Instagram posts. (Public domain.)
Images from @USGS_Quakes Women's History Month Instagram posts
Images of scientists and support staff for the 2021 @USGS_Quakes Women's History Month Instagram posts. (Public domain.)
Images from @USGS_Quakes Women's History Month Instagram posts
Images of scientists and support staff for the 2021 @USGS_Quakes Women's History Month Instagram posts. (Public domain.)

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