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Landsat Glossary and Acronyms

Landsat Policy and Mission Management Documents Landsat Science Office / Landsat Ground Stations
  • National Space Policy (June 2010)
  • Landsat Data Distribution Policy (January 2008)
  • Management Plan for the Landsat Program (December 1999)
  • Public Law 105.303 - Commercial Space Act of 1998 (October 1998)
  • Commercial Space Act of 1997 (May 1997)
  • Land Remote Sensing Policy Act of 1992 (October 1992)
Landsat Science Teams

LSDS-547 Landsat Ground Station Identifiers
USGS Landsat Project Communication Outlets and Publications Landsat Data User Handbooks
Landsat Updates

  • Landsat Missions Overview
  • Landsat Collection 1
  • Landsat Collection 1 U.S. Analysis Ready Data
  • LSDS-1574 Landsat 8 Data Users Handbook
  • LSDS-1927 Landsat 7 Data Users Handbook
More information
Landsat Collection 1 Level-1 Data and Supporting Inputs/Outputs
  • LSDS-1656 Landsat Collection Definition Document
  • LSDS-809 Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Collection 1 Level 1 Data Format Control Book
  • LSDS-272 Landsat 7 ETM+ Collection 1 Level 1 Data Format Control Book
  • LSDS-284 Landsat 4-5 TM Collection 1 Level 1 Data Format Control Book
  • LSDS-286 Landsat 1-5 MSS Collection 1 Level 1 Data Format Control Book
  • LSDS-833 Landsat 8 Full Resolution Browse Data Format Control Book
  • LSDS-1928 Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Solar and View Angle Generation Algorithm Description Document
  • LSDS-1691 Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 4-5 TM Solar and View Angle Generation Algorithm Description Document
Landsat Collection 1 Level-2 and Level-3 Science Products
More information
Collection 1 Surface Reflectance  
Landsat Collection 2 Level-1 Data and Supporting Inputs/Outputs
Landsat Collection 2 Level-2 and Level-3 Science Products


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