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FSP FAQs: Web Pages, Conferences, Abstracts, and Presentations

Fundamental Science Practices related to selection of the appropriate outlet (both external and internal), the use of preprint servers, ScienceBase, digital repositories, and the role of the USGS Publications Warehouse.

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Are there any alternatives, exceptions or exclusions to following the FSP review and approval requirement? [003]

No. FSP review and approval requirements must be followed for all publicly released USGS science information products. [Read More]

Are there any alternatives, exceptions or exclusions to following the FSP review and approval requirement? [003]

No. FSP review and approval requirements must be followed for all publicly released USGS science information products. [Read More]
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Can new interpretive material be posted on a USGS public web page? [013]

No, a web page cannot be used to release new interpretive material. [Read More]

Can new interpretive material be posted on a USGS public web page? [013]

No, a web page cannot be used to release new interpretive material. [Read More]
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What is the role of the approving official in selecting an appropriate publication release or outlet? [070]

Selection of the appropriate USGS publication series or external outlet is made by the author and Science Center Director, and may include consultation with PSC staff, managers and BAOs. [Read more]

What is the role of the approving official in selecting an appropriate publication release or outlet? [070]

Selection of the appropriate USGS publication series or external outlet is made by the author and Science Center Director, and may include consultation with PSC staff, managers and BAOs. [Read more]
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How is web-only release of science information handled? [083]

It is the content, not the format or medium (e.g. web or print), that affects whether the FSP review and approval process is applicable. [Read more]

How is web-only release of science information handled? [083]

It is the content, not the format or medium (e.g. web or print), that affects whether the FSP review and approval process is applicable. [Read more]
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What is the FSP policy for the release of USGS science information in journals and other outside publications? [085]

As with information products released by the USGS, the review and approval requirements for external information products are governed by FSP. Refer to SM 1100.4 for policy on outside publications. [Read more]

What is the FSP policy for the release of USGS science information in journals and other outside publications? [085]

As with information products released by the USGS, the review and approval requirements for external information products are governed by FSP. Refer to SM 1100.4 for policy on outside publications. [Read more]
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May USGS authors use preprint servers to distribute their journal manuscripts? [086]

Yes, authors may use preprint servers in accordance with the guidance provided for preprints [Read more].

May USGS authors use preprint servers to distribute their journal manuscripts? [086]

Yes, authors may use preprint servers in accordance with the guidance provided for preprints [Read more].
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Can I cite or index RFFIRs on a USGS public-facing web page? [151]

Restricted-File Federal Interagency Reports (RFFIRs) are not to be referenced, posted, or indexed on USGS public-facing web pages or included in a list of publications on individual staff profile pages. Because RFFIRs are not citable, they are not to be indexed in the USGS Publications Warehouse or included in a list of publications on individual staff profile pages.

Can I cite or index RFFIRs on a USGS public-facing web page? [151]

Restricted-File Federal Interagency Reports (RFFIRs) are not to be referenced, posted, or indexed on USGS public-facing web pages or included in a list of publications on individual staff profile pages. Because RFFIRs are not citable, they are not to be indexed in the USGS Publications Warehouse or included in a list of publications on individual staff profile pages.
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May reports of project progress be discussed in conference presentations? [160]

Reports of project progress may be presented at a scientific conference, but sensitive, confidential, or proprietary information cannot be discussed. Peer review is at the discretion of the Science Center Director. FSP requirements for presentation materials that are left or not left at scientific meetings and conferences apply.

May reports of project progress be discussed in conference presentations? [160]

Reports of project progress may be presented at a scientific conference, but sensitive, confidential, or proprietary information cannot be discussed. Peer review is at the discretion of the Science Center Director. FSP requirements for presentation materials that are left or not left at scientific meetings and conferences apply.
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What is the FSP policy for abstracts? [164]

Abstracts may be for scientific conference or meeting sessions or they can be extended abstracts. Science Center Director determines need for peer review of short abstracts and grants Bureau approval. Extended abstracts have the same approval requirements as journal articles and require approval by an OSQI Bureau Approving Official. Abstracts must be tracked in the IPDS. [Read more]

What is the FSP policy for abstracts? [164]

Abstracts may be for scientific conference or meeting sessions or they can be extended abstracts. Science Center Director determines need for peer review of short abstracts and grants Bureau approval. Extended abstracts have the same approval requirements as journal articles and require approval by an OSQI Bureau Approving Official. Abstracts must be tracked in the IPDS. [Read more]
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What is the FSP policy for presentation materials and posters used in poster sessions? [165]

Presentation materials and poster sessions presented once and not left for conference dissemination or posted on a public website do not require peer review; however, the Science Center Director has discretion to require peer review. Poster session/presentation materials requiring Bureau approval must be tracked and approval documented in the IPDS. [Read more]

What is the FSP policy for presentation materials and posters used in poster sessions? [165]

Presentation materials and poster sessions presented once and not left for conference dissemination or posted on a public website do not require peer review; however, the Science Center Director has discretion to require peer review. Poster session/presentation materials requiring Bureau approval must be tracked and approval documented in the IPDS. [Read more]
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What is the FSP policy for using previously approved abstracts, poster sessions, and presentation materials for various meetings? [166]

If previously approved abstract, poster session, or presentation is reused in a different meeting venue, additional Bureau approval is not required as long as the content has not substantially changed. Authors should always ensure that supervisors and management are informed whenever USGS scientific information is presented, even if the material has been presented in a prior venue. [Read more]

What is the FSP policy for using previously approved abstracts, poster sessions, and presentation materials for various meetings? [166]

If previously approved abstract, poster session, or presentation is reused in a different meeting venue, additional Bureau approval is not required as long as the content has not substantially changed. Authors should always ensure that supervisors and management are informed whenever USGS scientific information is presented, even if the material has been presented in a prior venue. [Read more]
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Can working notes be posted to a public web page as supplementary material for others to use? [167]

No, working notes, field notes, and other related material that have not met FSP requirements of peer review and Bureau approval cannot be publicly posted. These materials are considered predecisional and are protected from public disclosure, unless materials have been specifically included for publication as part of the approved manuscript or are subject to a FOIA request.

Can working notes be posted to a public web page as supplementary material for others to use? [167]

No, working notes, field notes, and other related material that have not met FSP requirements of peer review and Bureau approval cannot be publicly posted. These materials are considered predecisional and are protected from public disclosure, unless materials have been specifically included for publication as part of the approved manuscript or are subject to a FOIA request.
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What are the requirements for audiovisual media and products? [168]

The USGS OCAP provides policy direction for audiovisual products, including video productions, motion picture films, public service announcements, video news features, and electronic/satellite transmissions that are produced by or attributed to the USGS. OCAP reviews, approves, and certifies these products for approval by DOI Office of Communications. [Read more]

What are the requirements for audiovisual media and products? [168]

The USGS OCAP provides policy direction for audiovisual products, including video productions, motion picture films, public service announcements, video news features, and electronic/satellite transmissions that are produced by or attributed to the USGS. OCAP reviews, approves, and certifies these products for approval by DOI Office of Communications. [Read more]
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How are USGS information products cataloged in and made available from the USGS Publications Warehouse? [170]

Upon completion of the dissemination task for an information product in IPDS, bibliographic metadata are transferred from IPDS to Publications Warehouse for creating product citation pages. Accurate and complete bibliographic information must be entered in the IPDS and the dissemination task must be completed in a timely manner to catalog and index product in the Publications Warehouse.[Read more]

How are USGS information products cataloged in and made available from the USGS Publications Warehouse? [170]

Upon completion of the dissemination task for an information product in IPDS, bibliographic metadata are transferred from IPDS to Publications Warehouse for creating product citation pages. Accurate and complete bibliographic information must be entered in the IPDS and the dissemination task must be completed in a timely manner to catalog and index product in the Publications Warehouse.[Read more]
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What types of information products are cataloged in the USGS Publications Warehouse? [171]

The Publications Warehouse catalog includes, but is not limited to, citation pages for USGS publication series, outside publications (such as journal articles, books, book chapters, other government and nongovernment publications, cooperator publications, and conference proceedings) prepared by USGS and other authors, and extramural publications (produced by non-USGS authors funded by USGS). [Read...

What types of information products are cataloged in the USGS Publications Warehouse? [171]

The Publications Warehouse catalog includes, but is not limited to, citation pages for USGS publication series, outside publications (such as journal articles, books, book chapters, other government and nongovernment publications, cooperator publications, and conference proceedings) prepared by USGS and other authors, and extramural publications (produced by non-USGS authors funded by USGS). [Read...
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What types of information products are not cataloged in the Publications Warehouse? [172]

Information products outside the scope of the Publications Warehouse, such as abstracts, posters, presentations, data releases, and software releases, are not cataloged in the Publications Warehouse.

What types of information products are not cataloged in the Publications Warehouse? [172]

Information products outside the scope of the Publications Warehouse, such as abstracts, posters, presentations, data releases, and software releases, are not cataloged in the Publications Warehouse.
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What types of information products are available in full text from the Publications Warehouse? [173]

Full text information products published by the USGS, such as USGS series publications, are provided for download from the Publications Warehouse. The Publications Warehouse also provides links to cooperators' and external publishers’ websites that provide the full text of USGS-authored publications when the links are available. [Read more]

What types of information products are available in full text from the Publications Warehouse? [173]

Full text information products published by the USGS, such as USGS series publications, are provided for download from the Publications Warehouse. The Publications Warehouse also provides links to cooperators' and external publishers’ websites that provide the full text of USGS-authored publications when the links are available. [Read more]
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How does the Publications Warehouse handle data releases? [174]

Data release information product records are not cataloged as standalone citation pages in the Publications Warehouse. The official catalog for USGS data releases is the USGS Science Data Catalog. However, links to data releases associated with a companion publication are added to the associated publication’s citation page in the Publications Warehouse. [Read more]

How does the Publications Warehouse handle data releases? [174]

Data release information product records are not cataloged as standalone citation pages in the Publications Warehouse. The official catalog for USGS data releases is the USGS Science Data Catalog. However, links to data releases associated with a companion publication are added to the associated publication’s citation page in the Publications Warehouse. [Read more]
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Does the Publications Warehouse contain an author’s entire body of work, including information products that they authored before or after their employment with USGS? [175]

No, the Publications Warehouse only contains information products prepared by authors who were affiliated with the USGS when the work was performed. USGS authors can capture their entire body of work on their ORCID profiles. [Read more]

Does the Publications Warehouse contain an author’s entire body of work, including information products that they authored before or after their employment with USGS? [175]

No, the Publications Warehouse only contains information products prepared by authors who were affiliated with the USGS when the work was performed. USGS authors can capture their entire body of work on their ORCID profiles. [Read more]
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