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What is the FSP policy for using previously approved abstracts, poster sessions, and presentation materials for various meetings? [166]

If previously approved abstract, poster session, or presentation is reused in a different meeting venue, additional Bureau approval is not required as long as the content has not substantially changed. Authors should always ensure that supervisors and management are informed whenever USGS scientific information is presented, even if the material has been presented in a prior venue. [Read more]

If an abstract, poster session, or presentation that has received prior review and approval is reused in a different meeting venue, then additional Bureau approval is not required as long as the content of these materials has not been substantially changed. Authors should always ensure that supervisors and management are informed, however, whenever USGS scientific information is presented, even if the material has been presented in a prior venue. Refer to delegated Bureau approval authority for additional information about approval for these products.

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