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Oil Shale Data Downloads

This page accesses data for Oil Shale Assessments of PIceance, Uinta and Green River Basins. It also includes fischer assays and scans of well logs in the Colorado Piceance Basin.

Flood Database for Colorado

An easy-to-use, Web-based geodatabase of historical flood and paleoflood information which includes links to sources of flood data. The interface makes this collection of information useful to water-resource managers to better understand the historic events for improved flood-frequency estimates of the largest floods in Colorado.

Flood high and low flows for Oklahoma

View flooding high and low flows for streams and rivers throughout Oklahoma on the USGS WaterWatch website.

Arkansas River and Fountain Creek Water Quality Dashboard

Web based application to compare, on a real-time basis, estimated dissolved-solids concentration and load as a surrogate for water-quality conditions in the Arkansas River and Fountain Creek in Colorado and determine whether future water-quality conditions are significantly different from background conditions.

Arkansas Wateruse

In 1977, the Congress of the United States recognized the need for uniform, current, and reliable information on water use and directed the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to establish a National Water-Use Information Program (NWUIP) to complement the Survey's data on the availability and quality of the Nations water resources.
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