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Northeast CASC researchers Anthony D’Amato and Michelle Staudinger were recognized by the 2023 Climate Adaptation Leadership Awards given by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

The former Northeast CASC science coordinator Michelle Staudinger and Northeast CASC principal investigator at the University of Vermont Anthony D’Amato were recently recognized with honorable mentions by the 2023 Climate Adaptation Leadership Awards (CALA). The CALA awards were established in 2016 to recognize exemplary leadership in the field of climate adaptation and the protection of the Nation’s vital natural resources and the people who depend on them. 

In the “Federal Government” award category, Michelle Staudinger was recognized for her leadership in mitigating climate-related risks and for advocating for the adaptation of natural resources. Staudinger leads a climate change synthesis for Wildlife Action Plans in the northeast, a cross-sector regional climate change working group, and symposia for the Northeast Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (NEAFWA).  

In the “Nongovernmental” award category, Anthony D’Amato was recognized for his transformative work in adaptive forest management across the Midwest and Upper Northeast. D’Amato advances climate adaptation efforts by co-producing research guided by management needs, translating complex research into useable products for forest managers, mentoring young foresters, and engaging communities around forest adaptation.  

Congratulations Drs. Staudinger and D’Amato! 

The full list of 2023 CALA awardees is available here.

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