To help park managers plan for and mitigate landslide events, Alaska CASC scientists assessed future landslide risks along road corridors in Denali and other Alaska parks.
To better identify landslide risks in national parks across Alaska, including Denali National Park, Alaska CASC scientists are working with park managers to plan for and mitigate such events.
Using the data from national park weather stations to fine-tune projections from global climate models, Alaska CASC scientists and other staff and faculty at the International Arctic Research Center provided dynamical downscaling services to Alaska’s decision-makers so they can incorporate climate data into local planning. The resulting landslide risk assessments will assist Alaska park managers plan for new and existing infrastructure to stand up in a changing climate.
This landslide research was published in the journal Atmosphere. This research was supported through the Alaska CASC project "Assessing the Risk to National Park Service Lands in Alaska Imposed by Rapidly Warming Temperatures".
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