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February 22, 2023

A new Northeast CASC interactive geonarrative illustrates sea level rise impacts along the Northeast coast and describes climate adaptation options for coastal communities.

Sea levels are expected to rise by at least a foot in the next three decades, with the potential to rise three feet by the end of the century. Coastal communities and habitats are preparing to adapt to the impacts of sea level rise and other climate impacts like storm surge. To communicate the science of sea level rise, the Northeast CASC recently released a geonarrative on coastal adaptation options, Adapting to Sea Level Rise: Options for our Coastline. Researchers at the Northeast CASC have focused on understanding how to sustain natural infrastructures like coastal salt marshes, living shorelines, and coastal armoring to buffer against flooding and storm surge. The geonarrative explores examples of sea level rise impacts on coastal cities and communities in the Northeast, including Boston, and what the coastline might look like under different scenarios. Detailing several different types of natural structures, the researchers describe how each structure supports local communities and habitats. This interactive story communicates the climate adaptation options available to Northeast coastal communities and can inform adaptation planning. 

This work is supported by "Evaluating Sea-level Rise Impacts in the Northeastern U.S.", "Identifying Critical Thresholds and Tipping Points for Priority Coastal Species in a Changing Future", "Science to Support Marsh Conservation and Management Decisions in the Northeastern United States."

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