Recent Coastal and Marine Fieldwork - August 2018
USGS scientists visited seven coastal and offshore locations studying methane seeps in the North Sea, coral reefs in American Samoa, marshes in Massachusetts, and more. Here’s a quick overview of some fieldwork by our researchers.
This article is part of the August 2018 issue of the Sound Waves newsletter.
Barnstable, Massachusetts: Collected images with a drone to create a base map of elevation for carbon budget modeling in the Great Marsh, August 15-17. Details: -
Faga'alu Bay, American Samoa: Conducted resistivity, CTD, radon, and water sampling of submarine groundwater on the coral reefs, August 6-16. Details: -
San Francisco, California: Monitored changes in Ocean Beach sand volume and distribution, August 14. Details: -
Barnstable, Massachusetts: Collected images with a drone to create elevation models for vegetation classification in the Great Marsh, August 6-10. Details: -
Cordell Bank, California: Benthic habitat ROV video and biological sampling, ground truth for seafloor-habitat maps, July 29 to August 10. Details: -
North Sea, The Netherlands: Measured methane and carbon dioxide concentrations and stable carbon isotope values from a shallow seep, July 20 to August 2. Details: -
Madeira Beach, Florida: Collected drone photos to test the structure-from-motion technique for estimating coastal topography, August 1-2. Details: -
Aleutian Islands, Alaska: Supported MBES collection and ocean bottom seismometer deployment, July 6-27. Details:
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