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Earthquake Travel Times


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Travel Time Curves

Travel time curves
Travel time curves of earthquakes. (Public domain.)

Table of P and S-P versus distance

P and S-P travel times as a function of source distance for an earthquake 33 km deep. The Time of the first arriving P phase is given, along with the time difference between the S and P phases. The latter time is known as the S minus P time.

Delta Degrees Time of P Wave (min) Time of P Wave (sec) S-P Time (min) S-P Time (sec)
0.0 0 5.4 0 4.0
0.5 0 10.6 0 7.8
1.0 0 17.7 0 13.5
1.5 0 24.6 0 19.0
2.0 0 31.4 0 24.4
2.5 0 38.3 0 29.9
3.0 0 45.2 0 35.4
3.5 0 52.1 0 40.9
4.0 0 58.9 0 46.4
4.5 1 5.8 0 51.9
5.0 1 12.7 0 57.4
5.5 1 19.6 1 2.8
6.0 1 26.4 1 8.3
6.5 1 33.3 1 13.8
7.0 1 40.2 1 19.2
7.5 1 47.0 1 24.7
8.0 1 53.9 1 30.1
8.5 2 0.7 1 35.6
9.0 2 7.6 1 41.0
9.5 2 14.4 1 46.5
10.0 2 21.3 1 51.9
11.0 2 35.0 2 2.7
12.0 2 48.7 2 13.5
13.0 3 2.3 2 24.3
14.0 3 16.0 2 35.0
15.0 3 29.5 2 45.8
16.0 3 42.5 2 57.1
17.0 3 55.2 3 8.7
18.0 4 7.5 3 20.5
19.0 4 18.8 3 33.4
20.0 4 29.7 3 43.8
21.0 4 40.6 3 52.9
22.0 4 51.3 4 1.8
23.0 5 1.9 4 9.2
24.0 5 11.6 4 15.7
25.0 5 20.7 4 22.6
26.0 5 29.8 4 29.4
27.0 5 38.8 4 36.2
28.0 5 47.7 4 42.9
29.0 5 56.6 4 49.8
30.0 6 5.5 4 56.6
31.0 6 14.3 5 3.4
32.0 6 23.1 5 10.2
33.0 6 31.9 5 17.0
34.0 6 40.5 5 23.8
35.0 6 49.2 5 30.5
36.0 6 57.8 5 37.3
37.0 7 6.3 5 44.0
38.0 7 14.7 5 50.7
39.0 7 23.1 5 57.4
40.0 7 31.4 6 4.0
41.0 7 39.7 6 10.7
42.0 7 47.9 6 17.3
43.0 7 56.0 6 23.9
44.0 8 4.1 6 30.4
45.0 8 12.1 6 37.0
46.0 8 20.0 6 43.5
47.0 8 27.8 6 49.9
48.0 8 35.6 6 56.4
49.0 8 43.3 7 2.8
50.0 8 50.9 7 9.1
51.0 8 58.5 7 15.5
52.0 9 6.0 7 21.8
53.0 9 13.4 7 28.1
54.0 9 20.7 7 34.3
55.0 9 28.0 7 40.5
56.0 9 35.2 7 46.6
57.0 9 42.3   52.8
58.0 9 49.4 7 58.8
59.0 9 56.3 8 4.9
60.0 10 3.2 8 10.9
61.0 10 10.1 8 16.9
62.0 10 16.8 8 22.8
63.0 10 23.5 8 28.7
64.0 10 30.1 8 34.5
65.0 10 36.7 8 40.3
66.0 10 43.2 8 46.1
67.0 10 49.5 8 51.8
68.0 10 55.9 8 57.5
69.0 11 2.1 9 3.1
70.0 11 8.3 9 8.7
71.0 11 14.4 9 14.3
72.0 11 20.4 9 19.8
73.0 11 26.4 9 25.2
74.0 11 32.3 9 30.6
75.0 11 38.1 9 36.0
76.0 11 43.8 9 41.3
77.0 11 49.5 9 46.6
78.0 11 55.1 9 51.8
79.0 12 0.6 9 57.0
80.0 12 6.0 10 2.1
81.0 12 11.4 10 7.2
82.0 12 16.7 10 12.3
83.0 12 21.9 10 17.3
84.0 12 27.0 10 22.2
85.0 12 32.0 10 27.1
86.0 12 37.0 10 31.9
87.0 12 41.9 10 36.7
88.0 12 46.7 10 41.4
89.0 12 51.4 10 46.1
90.0 12 56.1 10 50.7
91.0 13 0.7 10 55.2
92.0 13 5.4 10 59.5
93.0 13 10.0 11 3.7
94.0 13 14.5 11 7.9
95.0 13 19.1 11 12.0
96.0 13 23.6 11 16.1
97.0 13 28.1 11 20.1
98.0 13 32.6 11 24.1
99.0 13 37.0 11 28.1
100.0 13 41.5 11 32.0
101.0 13 45.9 11 35.8
102.0 13 50.4 11 39.7
103.0 13 54.8 11 43.6
104.0 13 59.2 11 47.5
105.0 14 3.7 11 51.4

This table is based on the iasp91 model of Kennett and Engdahl (1991) and was generated with the program ARTIM written by R. Buland.

Kennett, B. L. N. and E. R. Engdahl (1991). Travel times for global earthquake location and phase identification, Geophys. J. Int., v 105, p 429-465.

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