2009 Station Fire, Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, CA Landslide Monitoring Site
Recent Monitoring Data
Rainfall | Soil Water Content and Ground Water Pressure | Channel Stage | Battery Voltage
2 weeks (all times in UTC)

1 week (all times in UTC)

Soil Water Content and Ground Water Pressure
The monitoring site has three soil pits with sensors to measure the volumetric water content of the soil. A tensiometer to measure soil pore-water pressure in the range of +85 kPa to -100 kPa is located at the base of one of the pits. The depth of the instruments in the pit is indicated on the graphs. (all times in UTC)
Soil Pit 1

Soil Pit 2

Soil Pit 3

Channel Stage
A laser-distance meter is mounted over the channel to measure the height of flow if present. (all times in UTC)

Battery Voltage
Battery voltage is monitored for identifying any problems with battery charging due to solar panel or battery failures. (all times in UTC)

Recent Monitoring Data
Rainfall | Soil Water Content and Ground Water Pressure | Channel Stage | Battery Voltage
2 weeks (all times in UTC)

1 week (all times in UTC)

Soil Water Content and Ground Water Pressure
The monitoring site has three soil pits with sensors to measure the volumetric water content of the soil. A tensiometer to measure soil pore-water pressure in the range of +85 kPa to -100 kPa is located at the base of one of the pits. The depth of the instruments in the pit is indicated on the graphs. (all times in UTC)
Soil Pit 1

Soil Pit 2

Soil Pit 3

Channel Stage
A laser-distance meter is mounted over the channel to measure the height of flow if present. (all times in UTC)

Battery Voltage
Battery voltage is monitored for identifying any problems with battery charging due to solar panel or battery failures. (all times in UTC)