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The U.S. GeoFramework Initiative

The U.S. GeoFramework Initiative (USGI) is constructing a multi-resolution, seamless national 2D and 3D geologic maps and framework models by leveraging previous and existing geologic mapping efforts by both the USGS and State Geological Surveys to provide new regional- to National-scale geologic syntheses and support digital databases for 21st Century geologic mappers and many end users. By...

The U.S. GeoFramework Initiative

The U.S. GeoFramework Initiative (USGI) is constructing a multi-resolution, seamless national 2D and 3D geologic maps and framework models by leveraging previous and existing geologic mapping efforts by both the USGS and State Geological Surveys to provide new regional- to National-scale geologic syntheses and support digital databases for 21st Century geologic mappers and many end users. By...
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Geologic Mapping in the Southern Pacific Border and Sierras provinces, California

This project uses geologic and geophysical mapping to build an earth-science framework for scientific investigations that include assessments of critical resources, such as groundwater, and of hazards, such as those resulting from earthquakes, in California west of and including the Sierra Nevada and Cascade arc. Questions of particular interest include: What are the geometries, slip rates, and...

Geologic Mapping in the Southern Pacific Border and Sierras provinces, California

This project uses geologic and geophysical mapping to build an earth-science framework for scientific investigations that include assessments of critical resources, such as groundwater, and of hazards, such as those resulting from earthquakes, in California west of and including the Sierra Nevada and Cascade arc. Questions of particular interest include: What are the geometries, slip rates, and...
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The primary objective of the STATEMAP component of the NCGMP is to establish the geologic framework of areas determined to be vital to the economic, social, or scientific welfare of individual States. STATEMAP mapping priorities are established by State Geological Surveys in consultation with a multi-representational State Mapping Advisory Committee. These priorities are based on multiple factors...


The primary objective of the STATEMAP component of the NCGMP is to establish the geologic framework of areas determined to be vital to the economic, social, or scientific welfare of individual States. STATEMAP mapping priorities are established by State Geological Surveys in consultation with a multi-representational State Mapping Advisory Committee. These priorities are based on multiple factors...
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