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Geospatial database for the geomorphic map of the Umatilla River corridor, Oregon

This map portrays the distribution of landforms along the Umatilla River in northeastern Oregon and covers a corridor 127 kilometers (km) long from the confluence of the Umatilla River with the Columbia River upstream to Meacham Creek. The map encompasses the valley bottom and extends about 1 km up the adjoining hillslopes. Map data are intended to support water quality and fisheries...

Geoheritage Sites of the Nation Data Release v.1

Geoheritage is a term which lies at the intersection of science, society, and sustainability and is applied to significant geologic features and landforms that have scientific, educational, cultural, economic, and aesthetic value. Many geologic sites have enriched society through the geoheritage values: scientific research and education, cultural significance, economic opportunities, and...

Digital data for the geologic map of Scoggins Dam, Henry Hagg Lake, and Scoggins Valley, Washington County, Oregon

Scoggins Dam in northwest Oregon lies within the Gales Creek fault zone (GCF), a northwest-striking system of active faults forming the boundary between the Coast Range and the Tualatin Valley about 25 km east of Portland, Oregon. Geologic mapping published in 2020 shows the dam to lie within a block-faulted releasing stepover between the right-lateral, NW-striking Scoggins Creek and...

U.S. Geological Survey National Produced Waters Geochemical Database (ver. 3.0, December 2023)

During hydrocarbon production, water is typically co-produced from the geologic formations producing oil and gas. Understanding the composition of these produced waters is important to help investigate the regional hydrogeology, the source of the water, the efficacy of water treatment and disposal plans, potential economic benefits of mineral commodities in the fluids, and the safety of...

Gravity, aeromagnetic, magnetic potential, and physical property data of the Bartlett Springs fault zone and surrounding areas, California

This data release contains principal facts of gravity measurements collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2020-2022, a compilation of existing and new density and magnetic susceptibility data, and gridded magnetic and magnetic potential data of the Bartlett Springs Fault Zone and surrounding areas, northern California. These data support modeling of gravity and magnetic anomalies to...

Quaternary deposits of the 9-county San Francisco Bay Region: an areally continuous digital map database prepared from Knudsen and others (2000) and Witter and others (2006)

This digital map database provides an areally continuous representation of the Quaternary surficial deposits of the San Francisco Bay region merged from the database files from Knudsen and others (2000) and Witter and others (2006). The more detailed mapping by Witter and others (2006) of the inner part of the region (compiled at a scale of 1:24,000), is given precedence over the less...

Digital database for the geologic map of the Vidal, California, and Parker SW, California-Arizona quadrangles

This geologic database is a digitized version of the original 1:24,000-scale analog geologic map titled "Geologic map of the Vidal, California, and Parker SW, California-Arizona quadrangles", published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in 1980. The map area straddles the Arizona-California border, and is located approximately 9.0 km (5.6 mi) west-southwest of Parker, CA, immediately...

Digital database for the geologic map of the Parker NW, Parker, and parts of the Whipple Mountains SW and Whipple Wash quadrangles, California and Arizona

This geologic database is a digitized version of the 1:24,000-scale original analog geologic map titled "Geologic map of the Parker NW, Parker, and parts of the Whipple Mountains SW and Whipple Wash quadrangles, California and Arizona", published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in 1980. The map area straddles the Arizona-California border and includes the community of Parker, AZ...

Tabular geochronologic, geochemical, and isotopic data from igneous rocks in the Lane Mountain area, San Bernardino County, California

This dataset provides geochronologic, geochemical, and isotopic data for selected igneous rock samples collected in the Lane Mountain area about 20 kilometers northeast of Barstow, California. Uranium-lead (U-Pb) zircon geochronologic and whole-rock geochemical data were obtained for 62 samples of which 28 are from Permian to Triassic plutonic rocks and dikes, 24 are from Late Jurassic...

Digital data documenting the evolution of Miocene normal and dextral faulting in the lower Colorado River region near Blythe, California, USA

These datasets provide the measurements and analytical data used to describe the evolution of Neogene faulting near Blythe, California. The data include structural measurements and results from Ar-Ar and U-Pb geochronology that address the research questions of the associated publication. Structural measurement datasets provide fault surface kinematic measurements and tabulations of...

Gravity and physical property data, basin depth of the Hayfork graben, and horizontal gradient maxima of the southern Klamath Mountains, California

This data release contains principal facts of gravity measurements collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2013-2022, a compilation of existing and new density and magnetic susceptibility data, horizontal gradient maxima derived from gravity and magnetic potential fields, and depth of Cenozoic basin fill in the Hayfork basin from inversion of gravity data of the southern Klamath...

Portable Raman spectroscopic analysis of bulk crushed rock

This study presents a simplified method and empirical relationships for determining organic matter thermal maturity using a portable Raman system equipped with a 785 nm laser, for analysis of crushed, whole-rock samples. Several sets of rocks comprised of shale and coal samples with various mineralogical composition, thermal maturity, total organic carbon (TOC), and age were used to test...
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