2021 NGGDPP State Geological Survey Grants
By National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program
June 8, 2021
This is a list of 2021 state projects that were funded by the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program. Details on other years are listed on the NGGDPP Grants Program Page.
2021 NGGDPP State Grants
State | Institution | Title | Funding Amount |
AK | State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys | Core Rescue, Online Palynology Index, And Standardized Geologic Mapping In Critical Mineral-Focus Areas | $75,596 |
AL | Geological Survey of Alabama | FY 2021 Fossil, Mineral, and Map Conservation for Alabama | $42,918 |
AR | Arkansas Geological Survey | Arkansas Geological Survey FY2021 Open-file Report Preservation Project – Opportunity # G21AS00007 | $16,819 |
AZ | University of Arizona, Arizona Geological Survey | 2021-2022 Data Preservation and Critical Minerals Activities in Arizona | $86,905 |
CA | California Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey | CGS FY2021 Geologic Data Preservation Project | $23,259 |
CO | Colorado School of Mines, Colorado Geological Survey | Inventory of Tallahassee Creek Uranium Exploration Data and Digitization of Colorado Historic Non-metallic Mining Location and Geological Maps with Metadata for Publicly Available Information Relative to Critical Mineral Resources | $23,598 |
DE | Delaware Geological Survey | Borehole Lithology Log Collection and Data | $88,393 |
FL | Florida Geological Survey | Preservation of Florida’s Coastal and Critical Mineral Borehole Data | $5,649 |
IA | Iowa Geological Survey | Accessioning Mineral Investigation Well Cuttings Into The Igs Rock Library | $16,582 |
ID | Idaho Geological Survey | USGS Data Preservation 14 | $70,480 |
IL | Univerisity of Illinois, Illinois State Geological Survey | Preservation of Geologic Data and Collections in Illinois: FY21 | $126,838 |
IN | Indiana Geological and Water Survey | 2021 IGWS Data Preservation | $3,000 |
KS | The University of Kansas, Kansas Geological Survey | Preserving Kansas Geologic Data, Documents, Samples, and Aerial Photographs; and Surveying Drill Hole/Core Holdings Relating to Critical Mineral Resources, FY 2021 | $109,585 |
KY | University of Kentucky, Kentucky Geological Survey | Kentucky Geological Survey FY2021 Geologic Data Preservation Project | $103,752 |
MD | Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Maryland Geological Survey | Preservation of Drill Cuttings and Core, Inventory of Geophysical Logs, and Preservation of Data Relevant to Critical Minerals in Maryland (2021-2022) | $76,572 |
ME | Maine Geological Survey | Preservation of Mining Claims Maps and Files and Critical Mineral Resource Assessment | $10,217 |
MI | Western Michigan University, Michigan Geological Survey | Michigan Geological Survey Project To (1) Preserve Two Fragile Physical Materials Collections By Converting Them To Digital Format And Upload Collection Inventories With Metadata To The National Digital Catalog (Ndc), And To Digitize A Collection Of Related Wireline Logs, Making This Data Widely Accessible; And (2) Compile Data Into A Borehole Template To Identify Potash Deposits And Create A 3D Database | $35,345 |
MN | University of Minnesota, Minnesota Geological Survey | FY21 Minnesota Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program | $93,103 |
MO | Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Missouri Geological Survey | 1) Digital Scanning and Metadata Generation of 340 Unpublished Mineral Resource Files in Collection 2) Core Log Database | $68,137 |
MT | Montana Technological University, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology | The Anaconda Mineral Collection Priority 2: Mining District Approach To Mapping Critical Mineral Resources In Montana Location: Montana State | $71,761 |
NC | North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, North Carolina Geological Survey | Priority 1: Continue Rescue and Inventory At-Risk Core Collections; Priority 2: Critical Minerals in North Carolina | $24,000 |
ND | North Dakota Geological Survey | Digitization of County Surface Geologic Maps in North Dakota | $5,283 |
NE | University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division (Nebraska Geological Survey) | Priority 1: Nebraska Core Preservation, Inventory and Database – Phase I: Dam and Infrastructure Study Core, and Priority 2: Nebraska Critical Minerals Database Phase I: Elk Creek Carbonatite | $71,328 |
NJ | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, New Jersey Geological & Water Survey | 2021 NJGWS Geoscientific Data Preservation Project | $11,599 |
NM | New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology, New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources | Preserve Geoscience Data and Materials: Priority I and II | $57,729 |
NV | University of Nevada Reno, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology | Increasing Access to the Geothermal and Critical Mineral Resources of Nevada | $87,000 |
OK | University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Geological Survey | Development Support for Comprehensive Database of Oklahoma Geological Resources – Phase IV | $39,848 |
TN | Tennessee Geological Survey | Generating Metadata Records and Digitizing Documents in the Chattanooga Shale Reports Collection, Digitizing Two Unpublished 7.5-Minute Quadrangle Geologic Maps, Disseminating Collection Documents on the Tennessee Geological Survey Website, and Compiling Critical Mineral Data for the Earth MRI Sweetwater District Focus Area | $49,428 |
TX | University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology | Priority 1: Preserving and Providing Access to Geoscience Data, Project A: Inventory and Load Digital Core Photographs and Project B: Digitize and Load Shelf Location Data for 280,000-450,000 Boxes of Geologic Samples, and Priority 2: Identification of Critical Minerals | $51,418 |
UT | Utah Geological Survey | UGS FY2021 Geologic Data Preservation Project | $74,792 |
VA | Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy - Division of Geology and Mineral Resources | Priority 1 – Preservation of Geoscience Data, DGMR Paleontological Collection, and Priority 2 – Preserve and Provide Access to Critical Mineral Data and Materials | $45,728 |
WI | University of Wisconsin System, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey | FY2021 Wisconsin Data Preservation, WisDOT Core, MDA – Lafayette, Lynne Core | $73,526 |
WV | West Virginia Geological & Economic Survey | Preservation of WVGES Oil & Gas Data and Aerial Photos, Geologic Map Access, and Critical Minerals Data Compilation | $27,560 |
This is a list of 2021 state projects that were funded by the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program. Details on other years are listed on the NGGDPP Grants Program Page.
2021 NGGDPP State Grants
State | Institution | Title | Funding Amount |
AK | State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys | Core Rescue, Online Palynology Index, And Standardized Geologic Mapping In Critical Mineral-Focus Areas | $75,596 |
AL | Geological Survey of Alabama | FY 2021 Fossil, Mineral, and Map Conservation for Alabama | $42,918 |
AR | Arkansas Geological Survey | Arkansas Geological Survey FY2021 Open-file Report Preservation Project – Opportunity # G21AS00007 | $16,819 |
AZ | University of Arizona, Arizona Geological Survey | 2021-2022 Data Preservation and Critical Minerals Activities in Arizona | $86,905 |
CA | California Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey | CGS FY2021 Geologic Data Preservation Project | $23,259 |
CO | Colorado School of Mines, Colorado Geological Survey | Inventory of Tallahassee Creek Uranium Exploration Data and Digitization of Colorado Historic Non-metallic Mining Location and Geological Maps with Metadata for Publicly Available Information Relative to Critical Mineral Resources | $23,598 |
DE | Delaware Geological Survey | Borehole Lithology Log Collection and Data | $88,393 |
FL | Florida Geological Survey | Preservation of Florida’s Coastal and Critical Mineral Borehole Data | $5,649 |
IA | Iowa Geological Survey | Accessioning Mineral Investigation Well Cuttings Into The Igs Rock Library | $16,582 |
ID | Idaho Geological Survey | USGS Data Preservation 14 | $70,480 |
IL | Univerisity of Illinois, Illinois State Geological Survey | Preservation of Geologic Data and Collections in Illinois: FY21 | $126,838 |
IN | Indiana Geological and Water Survey | 2021 IGWS Data Preservation | $3,000 |
KS | The University of Kansas, Kansas Geological Survey | Preserving Kansas Geologic Data, Documents, Samples, and Aerial Photographs; and Surveying Drill Hole/Core Holdings Relating to Critical Mineral Resources, FY 2021 | $109,585 |
KY | University of Kentucky, Kentucky Geological Survey | Kentucky Geological Survey FY2021 Geologic Data Preservation Project | $103,752 |
MD | Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Maryland Geological Survey | Preservation of Drill Cuttings and Core, Inventory of Geophysical Logs, and Preservation of Data Relevant to Critical Minerals in Maryland (2021-2022) | $76,572 |
ME | Maine Geological Survey | Preservation of Mining Claims Maps and Files and Critical Mineral Resource Assessment | $10,217 |
MI | Western Michigan University, Michigan Geological Survey | Michigan Geological Survey Project To (1) Preserve Two Fragile Physical Materials Collections By Converting Them To Digital Format And Upload Collection Inventories With Metadata To The National Digital Catalog (Ndc), And To Digitize A Collection Of Related Wireline Logs, Making This Data Widely Accessible; And (2) Compile Data Into A Borehole Template To Identify Potash Deposits And Create A 3D Database | $35,345 |
MN | University of Minnesota, Minnesota Geological Survey | FY21 Minnesota Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program | $93,103 |
MO | Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Missouri Geological Survey | 1) Digital Scanning and Metadata Generation of 340 Unpublished Mineral Resource Files in Collection 2) Core Log Database | $68,137 |
MT | Montana Technological University, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology | The Anaconda Mineral Collection Priority 2: Mining District Approach To Mapping Critical Mineral Resources In Montana Location: Montana State | $71,761 |
NC | North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, North Carolina Geological Survey | Priority 1: Continue Rescue and Inventory At-Risk Core Collections; Priority 2: Critical Minerals in North Carolina | $24,000 |
ND | North Dakota Geological Survey | Digitization of County Surface Geologic Maps in North Dakota | $5,283 |
NE | University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division (Nebraska Geological Survey) | Priority 1: Nebraska Core Preservation, Inventory and Database – Phase I: Dam and Infrastructure Study Core, and Priority 2: Nebraska Critical Minerals Database Phase I: Elk Creek Carbonatite | $71,328 |
NJ | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, New Jersey Geological & Water Survey | 2021 NJGWS Geoscientific Data Preservation Project | $11,599 |
NM | New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology, New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources | Preserve Geoscience Data and Materials: Priority I and II | $57,729 |
NV | University of Nevada Reno, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology | Increasing Access to the Geothermal and Critical Mineral Resources of Nevada | $87,000 |
OK | University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Geological Survey | Development Support for Comprehensive Database of Oklahoma Geological Resources – Phase IV | $39,848 |
TN | Tennessee Geological Survey | Generating Metadata Records and Digitizing Documents in the Chattanooga Shale Reports Collection, Digitizing Two Unpublished 7.5-Minute Quadrangle Geologic Maps, Disseminating Collection Documents on the Tennessee Geological Survey Website, and Compiling Critical Mineral Data for the Earth MRI Sweetwater District Focus Area | $49,428 |
TX | University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology | Priority 1: Preserving and Providing Access to Geoscience Data, Project A: Inventory and Load Digital Core Photographs and Project B: Digitize and Load Shelf Location Data for 280,000-450,000 Boxes of Geologic Samples, and Priority 2: Identification of Critical Minerals | $51,418 |
UT | Utah Geological Survey | UGS FY2021 Geologic Data Preservation Project | $74,792 |
VA | Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy - Division of Geology and Mineral Resources | Priority 1 – Preservation of Geoscience Data, DGMR Paleontological Collection, and Priority 2 – Preserve and Provide Access to Critical Mineral Data and Materials | $45,728 |
WI | University of Wisconsin System, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey | FY2021 Wisconsin Data Preservation, WisDOT Core, MDA – Lafayette, Lynne Core | $73,526 |
WV | West Virginia Geological & Economic Survey | Preservation of WVGES Oil & Gas Data and Aerial Photos, Geologic Map Access, and Critical Minerals Data Compilation | $27,560 |