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A definition of depletion of fish stocks

January 1, 1949
Attention was focused on the need of a common and better understanding of the term depletion as applied to the fisheries in order to eliminate if possible the existing inexactness of thought on the subject. Depletion has been confused at various times with at least ten different ideas associated with it but which, as has has heen pointed out, are not synonymous at all. In defining depletion we must recognize that the term represents a condition and must not he confounded with the cause (overfishing) that leads to this condition or with the symptoms that identify it. Depletion was defined as a reduction, through overfishing, in the level of abundance of the exploitable segment of a stock that prevents the realization of the maximum productive capacity.
Publication Year 1949
Title A definition of depletion of fish stocks
DOI 10.1577/1548-8659(1946)76[283:ADODOF]2.0.CO;2
Authors John Van Oosten
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Index ID 1000454
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Great Lakes Science Center
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