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A geographic information systems technique for monitoring contaminants in Galveston Bay, Texas

December 31, 1992

A geographic information system (GIS) was used to compile a series of databases containing details concerning metal contamination and pollution sources to study their impacts on the Galveston Bay (TX) ecosystem. Using these databases, a series of maps with various overlays was created with ARC/INFO software. These maps allowed patterns of spatial distribution of numerous variables to be easily visualized so that the impacts of urbanization and industrialization on the natural resources could be examined. Resource managers can use these capabilities in their comprehensive plans for managing individual activities within an overall regulatory framework. The visual displays and cartographic output of the system can be used to locate and identify ecologically sensitive areas and to study trends in these areas over time. These vector GIS techniques have the potential to be more integrated with aerial photography and other remotely sensed data for a more extensive overview of the environment and patterns of interaction

Publication Year 1992
Title A geographic information systems technique for monitoring contaminants in Galveston Bay, Texas
Authors Marcia McNiff, P.F. Roscigno, W. Ji
Publication Type Conference Paper
Publication Subtype Conference Paper
Index ID 70204062
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Core Science Analytics and Synthesis; National Wetlands Research Center
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