The land use and land cover maps at 1:100000 scale and at 1:24 000 scale in the Greater Atlanta Region were tested for accuracy. At 1:100 000 scale, 381 points were selected using a stratified systematic unalined sampling technique. Of these 381 points, 343 points or 90 percent were found to be correct. At 1:24 000 scale, 71 points were tested for accuracy. Of these 71 points, 62 points or 87 percent were found to be accurate. Confidence intervals were determined based on the assumption that the data exhibited a binomial distribution. With 95-percent confidence the accuracy of the 1:100 000-scale maps was between 87 and 93 percent, and the accuracy of the 1:24 000-scale maps was between 79 and 96 percent. The accuracy of the interpretations was consistent from category to category.