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The Aleutian Low – Beaufort Sea Anticyclone: A climate index for predicting the timing of springtime melt in the Pacific Arctic cryosphere

July 16, 2019

Early and late extremes in the timing of snowmelt have recently been observed in the Pacific Arctic. Subseasonal-to-seasonal forecasts of this timing are important for industry, environmental management and Arctic communities. In northern Alaska, the timing is influenced by the advection of marine air from the north Pacific by the Aleutian Low, modulated by high pressure centered in the Beaufort Sea. A new climate index that integrates their interaction could advance melt predictions. We define this index based on 850 hPa geopotential height at four fixed locations referred to as the Aleutian Low –Beaufort Sea Anticyclone (ALBSA). During positive ALBSA in May, advection of +0.5-1.5 K/day is observed through the Bering Strait. ALBSA is correlated with both snowmelt in northern Alaska and the onset of sea ice melt over the adjacent seas. ALBSA, therefore, may be suitable for monitoring the relevant circulation patterns and for developing predictive tools.

Publication Year 2019
Title The Aleutian Low – Beaufort Sea Anticyclone: A climate index for predicting the timing of springtime melt in the Pacific Arctic cryosphere
DOI 10.1029/2019GL083306
Authors Christopher J. Cox, Robert S. Stone, David C. Douglas, Diane Stanitski, Michael Gallagher
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Geophysical Research Letters
Index ID 70204580
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Alaska Science Center Biology MFEB
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