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An analysis of human-induced land transformations in the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento area

January 1, 1994

Part of the U.S. Geological Survey's Global Change Research Program involvesstudying the area from the Pacific Ocean to the Sierra foothills to enhance understanding ofthe role that human activities play in global change. The study investigates the ways thathumans transform the land and the effects that changing the landscape may have on regionaland global systems. To accomplish this research, scientists are compiling records ofhistorical transformations in the region's land cover over the last 140 years, developing asimulation model to predict land cover change, and assembling a digital data set to analyzeand describe land transformations. The historical data regarding urban growth focusattention on the significant change the region underwent from 1850 to 1990. Animation isused to visualize a time series of the change in land cover. The historical change is beingused to calibrate a prototype cellular automata model, developed to predict changes in urbanland cover 100 years into the future. Future urban growth scenarios will be developed foranalyzing possible human-induced impacts on land cover at a regional scale. These data aidin documenting and understanding human-induced land transformations from both historical andpredictive perspectives. A descriptive analysis of the region is used to investigate therelationships among data characteristic of the region. These data consist of multilayertopography, climate, vegetation, and population data for a 256-km2 region of centralCalifornia. A variety of multivariate analysis tools are used to integrate the data inraster format from map contours, interpolated climate observations, satellite observations,and population estimates.

Publication Year 1994
Title An analysis of human-induced land transformations in the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento area
Authors David A. Kirtland, L.J. Gaydos, Keith Clarke, Lee DeCola, William Acevedo, Cindy Bell
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title World Resource Review
Index ID 70187637
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center
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