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Birds imported into the United States in 1971

January 1, 1973

Birds imported into the United States in 1971 are tabulated by species. Total numbers for the period 1968-1971 are given for the more commonly imported taxa. The number of birds imported in 1971 increased only slightly over that for.1970. In 1971, 750 species were imported, of which 194 had not been imported in the previous 3 years; since 1968, approximately 1,445 species have been imported. Parrots accounted for nearly 25 percent of all birds imported in 1971, compared to only 13.5 percent in 1970. Birds were imported from 63 foreign countries, but more than 90 percent of all birds came from only 10 countries. The proportion of imported birds presumed to have been raised in captivity decreased in 1971.

Publication Year 1973
Title Birds imported into the United States in 1971
Authors R.B. Clapp, R.C. Banks
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype Federal Government Series
Series Title Special Scientific Report - Wildlife
Series Number 170
Index ID 5230252
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
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