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[Book review] No Woman Tenderfoot by Harriet Kofalk

January 1, 1990

The subject of this biography, identified in the subtitle “Florence Merriam Bailey, Pioneer Naturalist,” was truly a remarkable ornithologist. The bibliography of her writings, included in the book, lists more than 130 articles, a major portion of which were based on her own field work in what was then the wild and unsettled west. Among the titles are the acclaimed “Handbook of Birds of the Western united States,” published in 1902, and the monumental “Birds of New Mexico,” which appeared in 1928. Her contributions were recognized by her colleagues who elected her as a “Fellow” of the American Ornithologists’ Union in 1929 and three years later awarded her its prestigious Brewster Medal.

Publication Year 1990
Title [Book review] No Woman Tenderfoot by Harriet Kofalk
Authors Mercedes S. Foster
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title The Wilson Bulletin
Index ID 70123531
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
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