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CABFAC/USGS, a FORTRAN program for Q-mode factor analysis of stratigraphically ordered samples

January 1, 1976

This program is a revision of the CABFAC program of Kovan and Imbrie (1971) which incorporates the following improvements: each factor is plotted against depth on the printer; samples are ordered stratigraphically by the program, so that input data need not be ordered stratigraphically; an option has been added to transform all variables to zero means before calculating the cosine-theta matrix; and all subroutines are variable-dimensioned, so that the size of .the program may be changed by simply altering the main program.

Publication Year 1976
Title CABFAC/USGS, a FORTRAN program for Q-mode factor analysis of stratigraphically ordered samples
DOI 10.3133/ofr76216
Authors David P. Adams
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 76-216
Index ID ofr76216
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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