The Late Cretaceous Old Woman–Piute Range batholith includes both metaluminous and strongly peraluminous granitoid series that intruded the reactivated craton of southeastern California shortly after the orogenic peak. Whole-rock Sr, Nd, and O, feldspar Pb, and zircon U-Pb isotopic compositions, in combination with major- and trace-element and petrographic data, indicate that although these series are not comagmatic, they both were generated primarily by anatexis of Proterozoic crust. Differences between the two rock types are functions of source compositions: peraluminous granitoids were apparently generated from an intermediate to felsic source, metaluminous granitoids from more mafic igneous material with a possible modest subcrustal contribution. No sedimentary input is required in production of the peraluminous granites, and in fact, chemically mature sedimentary material is ruled out as an important contributor— that is, these are not S-type granites. Lead-isotope data reveal that the crust that yielded both magma series had undergone an ancient high-grade uranium depletion event, but independent evidence indicates that at the time of anatexis this crust was by no means anhydrous.