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Characteristics of sediment data and annual suspended-sediment loads and yields for selected lower Missouri River mainstem and tributary stations, 1976-2008

October 2, 2010
Suspended-sediment data from 18 selected surface-water monitoring stations in the lower Missouri River Basin downstream from Gavins Point Dam were used in the computation of annual suspended-sediment and suspended-sand loads for 1976 through 2008. Three methods of suspended-sediment load determination were utilized and these included the subdivision method, regression of instantaneous turbidity with suspended-sediment concentrations at selected stations, and regression techniques using the Load Estimator (LOADEST) software. Characteristics of the suspended-sediment and streamflow data collected at the 18 monitoring stations and the tabulated annual suspended-sediment and suspended-sand loads and yields are presented.
Publication Year 2010
Title Characteristics of sediment data and annual suspended-sediment loads and yields for selected lower Missouri River mainstem and tributary stations, 1976-2008
DOI 10.3133/ds530
Authors David C. Heimann, Patrick P. Rasmussen, Teri L. Cline, Lori M. Pigue, Holly R. Wagner
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Data Series
Series Number 530
Index ID ds530
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Missouri Water Science Center
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