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Continuous measurement of suspended-sediment discharge in rivers by use of optical backscatterance sensors

January 1, 2003
Optical sensors have been used to measure turbidity and suspended-sediment concentration by many marine and estuarine studies, and optical sensors can provide automated, continuous time series of suspended-sediment concentration and discharge in rivers. Three potential problems with using optical sensors are biological fouling, particle-size variability, and particle-reflectivity variability. Despite varying particle size, output from an optical backscatterance sensor in the Sacramento River at Freeport, California, USA, was calibrated successfully to discharge-weighted, cross-sectionally averaged suspended-sediment concentration, which was measured with the equal discharge-, or width-increment, methods and an isokinetic sampler. A correction for sensor drift was applied to the 3-year time series. However, the calibration of an optical backscatterance sensor used in the Colorado River at Cisco, Utah, USA, was affected by particle-size variability. The adjusted time series at Freeport was used to calculate hourly suspended-sediment discharge that compared well with daily values from a sediment station at Freeport. The appropriateness of using optical sensors in rivers should be evaluated on a site-specific basis and measurement objectives, potential particle size effects, and potential fouling should be considered.
Publication Year 2003
Title Continuous measurement of suspended-sediment discharge in rivers by use of optical backscatterance sensors
Authors D. H. Schoellhamer, S.A. Wright
Publication Type Conference Paper
Publication Subtype Conference Paper
Series Title IAHS Red Book
Index ID 70024677
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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