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Contribution of 222Rn in domestic water supplies to 222Rn in indoor air in Colorado homes

January 1, 1992
The contribution of 222Rn from domestic water wells to indoor air was investigated in a study of 28 houses near Conifer, CO. Air concentrations determined by alpha-track detectors (ATDs) and continuous radon monitors were compared with the predictions of a single-cell model. In many of the houses, the water supply was shown to contribute significantly to levels of indoor 222Rn. The data from the ATD study were augmented with a continuous monitoring study of a house near Lyons, CO. The well water in that house has the highest known concentration of 222Rn in water yet reported (93 MBq m-3). The temporal pattern in the indoor 222Rn concentration corresponds to water-use records. In general, it is difficult to quantify the proportion of indoor radon attributable to water use. Several lines of evidence suggest that the single-cell model underestimates this proportion. Continuous- monitoring data, although useful, are impractical due to the cost of the equipment. We propose a protocol for 222Rn measurement based on three simultaneous integrating radon detectors that may help estimate the proportion of indoor 222Rn derived from the water supply.
Publication Year 1992
Title Contribution of 222Rn in domestic water supplies to 222Rn in indoor air in Colorado homes
Authors E.P. Lawrence, R. B. Wanty, P. Nyberg
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Health Physics
Index ID 70016727
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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