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Crustal structure of the northern Harrat Rahat volcanic field (Saudi Arabia) from gravity and aeromagnetic data

January 5, 2019
New gravity data reveal a prominent negative anomaly along the main vent axis of the northern Harrat Rahat volcanic field in Saudi Arabia. The low continues north of the volcanic field onto exposures of Proterozoic rocks, indicating that the low is caused not only by the volcanic field (and possibly also underlying Cenozoic sediments), but also the underlying Proterozoic basement. An inversion of the gravity field guided by analysis of aeromagnetic data indicates (1) a broad depression of the basement surface that is deeper along the main vent axis in the eastern part of the harrat and in the southwest part of the volcanic field and (2) less dense basement beneath the vent axis. Low densities within the basement most likely arise from lithologic variations in the basement, predating Cenozoic volcanism, although our analysis does not rule out small volumes of partial melt and higher temperatures or extensive fracturing at depth.
Publication Year 2019
Title Crustal structure of the northern Harrat Rahat volcanic field (Saudi Arabia) from gravity and aeromagnetic data
DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2018.11.005
Authors Victoria E. Langenheim, Brent Ritzinger, Hani M. Zahran, Adel Shareef, Maher Al-dahri
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Tectonophysics
Index ID 70203802
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center
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