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Dislocation substructure of mantle-derived olivine as revealed by selective chemical etching and transmission electron microscopy

January 1, 1978
Cleaved and mechanically polished surfaces of olivine from peridotite xenoliths from San Carlos, Arizona, were chemically etched using the techniques of Wegner and Christie (1974). Dislocation etch pits are produced on all surface orientations and they tend to be preferentially aligned along the traces of subgrain boundaries, which are approximately parallel to (100), (010), and (001). Shallow channels were also produced on (010) surfaces and represent dislocations near the surface that are etched out along their lengths. The dislocation etch channel loops are often concentric, and emanate from (100) subgrain boundaries, which suggests that dislocation sources are in the boundaries. Data on subgrain misorientation and dislocation line orientation and arguments based on subgrain boundary energy minimization are used to characterize the dislocation structures of the subgrain boundaries. (010) subgrain boundaries are of the twist type, composed of networks of [100] and [001] screw dislocations. Both (100) and (001) subgrain boundaries are tilt walls composed of arrays of edge dislocation with Burgers vectors b=[100] and [001], respectively. The inferred slip systems are {001} ???100???, {100} ???001???, and {010} ???100??? in order of diminishing importance. Exploratory transmission electron microscopy is in accord with these identifications. The flow stresses associated with the development of the subgrain structure are estimated from the densities of free dislocations and from the subgrain dimensions. Inferred stresses range from 35 to 75 bars using the free dislocation densities and 20 to 100 bars using the subgrain sizes. ?? 1978 Springer-Verlag.
Publication Year 1978
Title Dislocation substructure of mantle-derived olivine as revealed by selective chemical etching and transmission electron microscopy
DOI 10.1007/BF00311845
Authors S.H. Kirby, M.W. Wegner
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
Index ID 70012593
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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