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Earthquake early warning ShakeAlert 2.0: Public rollout

April 8, 2020

The ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System is designed to automatically identify and characterize the initiation and rupture evolution of large earthquakes, estimate the intensity of ground shaking that will result, and deliver alerts to people and systems that may experience shaking, prior to the occurrence of shaking at their location. It is configured to issue alerts to locations within the West Coast of the U.S. In 2018, ShakeAlert 2.0 went live in a regional public test in the first phase of a general public rollout. The ShakeAlert system is now providing alerts to over sixty institutional partners in the three states of the Western U.S. where most of the nation’s earthquake risk is concentrated: California, Oregon, and Washington. The ShakeAlert 2.0 product for public alerting is a message containing a polygon enclosing a region predicted to experience Modified Mercalli Intensity ≥ IV for an earthquake of M5.0 or larger, corresponding to moderate-to-strong ground shaking. A polygon format alert is the easiest description for selective re-broadcasting mechanisms (e.g. cell towers) and is a requirement for some mass notification systems such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System. ShakeAlert 2.0 is tested using historic waveform data consisting of 60 M3.5+ and 25 M5.0+ earthquakes, in addition to other anomalous waveforms. For the historic event test, the average M5+ false alert rate/missed event rate for ShakeAlert 2.0 is 8%/16%, and the M3.5+ false alert rate/missed event rate is 10%/36.7%. Real-time performance metrics are also presented to assess how the system behaves in regions that are well-instrumented, sparsely instrumented, and offshore.

Publication Year 2020
Title Earthquake early warning ShakeAlert 2.0: Public rollout
DOI 10.1785/0220190245
Authors Monica Kohler, Deborah E. Smith, Jennifer Andrews, Angela I. Chung, Renate Hartog, Ivan Henson, Douglas D. Given, Robert Michael deGroot, Stephen Robert Guiwits
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Seismological Research Letters
Index ID 70213345
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Earthquake Science Center
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