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Economic impacts of Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative Conservation projects in Wyoming

January 6, 2020

Executive Summary

This report estimates the economic impacts on the Wyoming economy from investments made by the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative (WLCI) on conservation and restoration projects. The WLCI has been working in southwestern Wyoming since 2007 to coordinate science and management decisions among government and private entities that invest in conservation projects aimed at restoring and enhancing wildlife habitat. These investments support jobs and generate business activities within the Wyoming economy. WLCI conservation and restoration projects occur on both publicly managed and privately owned lands and are supported by leveraging funds from Federal bureaus, Wyoming State and local government agencies, and private contributions. During 2007–2018, the WLCI invested a total of more than $69,100,000 (in 2018 dollars) on conservation projects within the State of Wyoming. These pooled funds have been used to purchase conservation easements and hire business contractors to complete restoration projects, with 98 percent of project funds awarded to Wyoming-based businesses. Including both direct and secondary effects, the U.S. Geological Survey estimates that local spending on these conservation and restoration projects during 2007–2018 supported an estimated 1,055 job-years (the number of annualized full- and part-time jobs generated or supported), more than $30,500,000 in labor income, almost $40,900,000 in value added, and almost $68,200,000 in economic output within the Wyoming economy. These results demonstrate how investments in WLCI conservation projects support jobs, livelihoods, small businesses, and rural economies in Wyoming.

Publication Year 2020
Title Economic impacts of Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative Conservation projects in Wyoming
DOI 10.3133/ofr20191135
Authors Christopher Huber, Matthew Flyr, Catherine Cullinane Thomas
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 2019-1135
Index ID ofr20191135
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Fort Collins Science Center
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