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Genetic structure of the Silver Chub indicates distinctiveness of Lake Erie population

August 22, 2023


Silver Chub Macrhybopsis storeriana is a small riverine minnow endemic to North American fresh waters. Its range extends from the southern USA to southcentral Canada; the latter includes a rare lacustrine population in Lake Erie. Anthropogenic activities pose an immediate threat to several Silver Chub populations, currently categorized from special concern to threatened at the state level in the USA and federally and provincially not-at-risk to endangered in Canada. Several studies have examined the anthropogenic causes for the decline of Silver Chub populations, but conservation efforts have been hindered by the lack of knowledge of the population genetics of this species.


Here, we provide an assessment of the genetic diversity of Silver Chub populations across the USA and Canada using a fast-evolving mitochondrial gene, with particular focus on the Lake Erie population.


We found the Lake Erie population to be divergent from all other populations, with nearly all the haplotypes sampled there being private.


Our study provides genetic evidence that the Silver Chub population in Lake Erie could be considered a separate conservation unit.

Publication Year 2023
Title Genetic structure of the Silver Chub indicates distinctiveness of Lake Erie population
DOI 10.1002/nafm.10888
Authors Ahmed Elbassiouny, Joao Pedro Fontenelle, Patrick M. Kočovský, Nicholas E. Mandrak, Nathan R Lovejoy
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title North American Journal of Fisheries Management
Index ID 70248297
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Great Lakes Science Center; Office of the AD Ecosystems
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