As part of a program undertaken cooperatively by the Liberian Geological Survey and the U. S. Geological Survey, under the sponsorship of the Government of Liberia and the Agency for International Development, U. S. Department of State, Liberia was mapped by geologic and geophysical methods during the period 1965 to 1972.- The resulting geologic and geophysical maps are published in ten folios, each covering one quadrangle (see index map). The Monrovia quadrangle was systematically mapped by the author from June 1971 to July 1972. Field data provided by private companies and other members of the LGS-USGS project were used in map compilation, and are hereby acknowledged. Interpretation of gravity data (Behrendt and Wotorson, 1974, c), and total-intensity aeromagnetic and total count gamma radiation surveys (Behrendt and Wotorson, 1974, a, and b) were also used in the compilation, as were other unpublished geophysical data furnished by Behrendt and Wotorson (near-surface, regional magnetic component, and geologic correlations based on aeromagnetic and radiometric characteristics).