An investigation was begun in 1984 in Guilford County, North Carolina, to monitor water quality and soil erosion in basins with various land-management practices. Hydrologic and chemical-quality data were collected from four rural drainage basins, including two agricultural basins (7.4 and 4.8 acres) cultivated in tobacco and small grains, a mixed rural land-use basin (665 acres) currently under standard land-management practices, and a forested control basin (44 acres) characterizing background conditions. Mean concentrations of total nitrite plus nitrate were 1.0 milligrams per liter from the agricultural basin under standard land-management practices. This was nearly 10 times greater than concentrations from the forested basin. Records of streamflow discharge, chemical quality, ground-water levels, precipitation, and farming activities collected from October 1984 through September 1988 at one or more of the basins are also presented in this report.