The principal basins are those of Weir River, James Brook, Bound Brook, North River, South River, and Jones River, all draining to Massachusetts Bay and Cape Cod Bay. These basins are bounded on the north by the Weymouth River basins, on the west by the Taunton River basin, and on the south by small basins that drain to Cape Cod Bay. The basins included all, or parts of, the Norwell, Pembroke, Plymouth, Plympton, Rockland, Scituate, Weymouth, and Whitman. With the following exceptions, each town is served by its own municipal water system--Hingham and northwest Cohasset by the Hingham Water Company; Abington and Rockland by the Abington-Rockland Joint Water Works; and Plympton lacks a public water supply. Weymouth and Cohasset are in Norfolk County; the other towns are in Plymouth County.
This report presents, in tabular form, selected records of wells, test wells, borings, and springs; measurements of stream discharge, specific conductance, and temperature at partial-record stations; chemical analyses of ground water and surface water; and a summary of municipal water sources and additional sources available. The data were collected during a study of the drainage basins from 1969 to 1971 in cooperation with the Massachusetts Water Resources Commission. The report is released in order to make available to the public and to local, state, and federal agencies basic hydrologic information that may aid in planning water-resources development. Basic records contained in this report and streamflow data published elsewhere (U.S. Geol. Survey, 1960 et seq.) complement an interpretive report (Williams and Tasker, 1974).