As a result of declining water levels and saline-water intrusion in the Cape Coral area, the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the City of Cape Coral established a monitoring well network in Cape Coral and adjacent areas in 1978-79. The network was designed to provide indication of lateral movement of saline water in the upper part of the Hawthorn Formation; to provide trends in water levels; and to provide background data from: (1) the aquifer in the upper part of the Hawthorn Formation; (2) the aquifer in the lower part of the Hawthorn Formation and upper part of the Tampa Limestone; and (3) the surficial aquifer. The monitoring well network consists of 77 wells.
Data collected in this network since 1978, as well as data collected from selected wells in the network prior to 1978, are compiled in this report. These data include water-quality data from 69 wells, water-level data from 29 wells, and lithologic logs from 18 wells. Other data compiled in this report include municipal pumpage and rainfall data supplied by the City of Cape Coral.