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Hydrologic reconnaissance of the Fish Springs Flat area, Tooele, Juab, and Millard Counties, Utah

January 1, 1978

The Fish Springs Flat area includes about 590 square miles (1,530 square kilometers) in western Utah. Total annual precipitation on the area averages about 7 inches (180 millimeters) and totals about 232,000 acre-feet (286 cubic hectometers). Fish Springs Wash is the major drainage in the area; and, along with numerous smaller washes, it flows only in direct response to precipitation. Runoff from the area is estimated to be about 2,000 acre-feet (2.5 cubic hectometers) per year.

Publication Year 1978
Title Hydrologic reconnaissance of the Fish Springs Flat area, Tooele, Juab, and Millard Counties, Utah
Authors E.L. Bolke, C.T. Sumsion
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype Other Government Series
Series Title Technical Publication
Series Number 64
Index ID 70043963
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Utah Water Science Center
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