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Identifying changing precipitation extremes in Sub-Saharan Africa with gauge and satellite products

July 29, 2019

Sparse gauge networks in Sub-Saharan Africa limit our ability to identify changing precipitation extremes with in situ observations. Given the potential for satellite and satellite-gauge precipitation products to help, we investigate how daily gridded gauge and satellite products compare for seven core climate change precipitation indices. According to a new gauge-only product, the Rainfall estimates on a Gridded Network (REGEN), there were notable changes in Sub-Saharan Africa precipitation characteristics between 1950 and 2013 in well-gauged areas. We examine these trends and how these vary for wet, intermediate, and dry areas. For a 31 year period of overlap we compare REGEN data, other gridded products, and three satellite products. Then for 1998-2013 we compare a set of twelve satellite products. Finally, we compare spatial patterns of 1983-2013 trends across all of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Robust 1950-2013 trends indicate that in well-gauged areas extreme events became wetter, particularly in wet areas. Annual totals decreased due to fewer rain days. Since the 1980s were increases in average precipitation intensity and annual maximum 1-day totals. These trends only represent 15% of Sub-Saharan Africa, however, and only one tenth of the main wet areas. Unfortunately, gauge and satellite products do not provide consensus for wet area trends. A promising result for identifying regional changes is that numerous satellite products do well at interannual variations in precipitation totals and number of rain days- as well as some gauge-only products. Products perform less well for dry spell length and average intensity and worst for annual maximum 1-day totals. TRMM 3B42 and CHIRPS ranked highest for multiple indices. Several products have seemingly unrealistic trends outside of the well-gauged areas that may be due to influence of non-stationary systematic biases.

Publication Year 2019
Title Identifying changing precipitation extremes in Sub-Saharan Africa with gauge and satellite products
DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/ab2cae
Authors Laura Harrison, Chris Funk, Pete Peterson
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Environmental Research Letters
Index ID 70205056
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center
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