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International geoscience collaboration to support critical mineral discovery

July 8, 2020

The importance of critical minerals and the need to expand and diversify critical mineral supply chains has been endorsed by the Federal governments of Australia, Canada, and the United States. The geoscience organizations of Geoscience Australia, the Geological Survey of Canada and the U.S. Geological Survey have created the Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative to build a diversified critical minerals industry in Australia, Canada, and the United States by developing a better understanding of known critical mineral resources, determining geologic controls on critical mineral distribution for deposits currently producing byproducts, identifying new sources of supply through critical mineral potential mapping and quantitative mineral assessments, and promoting critical mineral discovery in all three countries.

Publication Year 2020
Title International geoscience collaboration to support critical mineral discovery
DOI 10.3133/fs20203035
Authors , ,
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Fact Sheet
Series Number 2020-3035
Index ID fs20203035
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center
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