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Investigation of the Hosgri fault, offshore southern California, Point Sal to Point Conception

January 1, 1979
A high-resolution seismic reflection survey of the inner continental shelf between Point Sal and Point Conception has revealed faults that displace post-Wisconsin strata (less than 17,000-20,000 years). These faults are the Hosgri fault, the Offshore Lompoc fault, and smaller unnamed faults. Faults trending offshore from the adjacent shoreline such as the Pezzoni, Lions Head, Honda, and Pacifico faults, do not show post-Wisconsin activity. The Hosgri fault trends directly toward the coastline between Purisima Point and Point Arguello where it appears to merge with folds and smaller faults in the western Transverse Ranges. This trend of offshore structures toward the Point Arguello-Point Conception area is consistent with a hypothesis that the regional structural fabric of the southern California Coast Ranges and its adjacent offshore area merge with the Transverse Ranges.
Publication Year 1979
Title Investigation of the Hosgri fault, offshore southern California, Point Sal to Point Conception
DOI 10.3133/ofr791199
Authors C. M. Payne, O. E. Swanson, B. A. Schell
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 79-1199
Index ID ofr791199
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization U.S. Geological Survey
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