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Life history and population dynamics

March 4, 2021

Lake charr Salvelinus namaycush life history and population dynamics metrics were reviewed to evaluate populations inside (n = 462) and outside (n = 24) the native range. Our goals were to create a database of metrics useful for evaluating population status and to test for large-scale patterns between metrics and latitude and lake size. An average lake charr grew from a 69-mm length at age-0 (L0) at 89 mm/year early growth rate (ω) to 50% maturity at 420 mm (L50) at age 8 (t50), and then continued to grow toward a 717-mm asymptotic length (L). L50 was positively correlated to ω, whereas t50 was inversely correlated to ω. Lake charr grew slower toward larger size and older age in northern latitudes and larger lakes than in southern latitudes and smaller lakes. Population density (number/ha) and yield density (kg/ha) decreased with lake size, and yield and total annual mortality (A) decreased with latitude. Native populations grew slower (ω), were heavier at 500 mm (W500), matured at shorter L50, grew to a shorter L, and suffered lower annual mortality A than non-native populations. Our review and database should be useful to managers and researchers for quantifying lake charr population status across the species range.

Publication Year 2021
Title Life history and population dynamics
DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-62259-6_8
Authors Michael J Hansen, Christopher S. Guy, Charles R. Bronte, Nancy A. Nate
Publication Type Book Chapter
Publication Subtype Book Chapter
Index ID 70224954
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Coop Res Unit Seattle
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