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Management of riparian habitat for mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Appendix C

January 1, 1999
Melinda Knutson (USGS Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center) and Christine Ribic (USGS Wisconsin Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit) contributed to a recent report published by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. The report summarizes a workshop held 8 December 1999 in Chicago, IL. Highlights of the report include resources and land management recommendations for riparian zones in the Midwest. The full report will soon be available at the USDA NRCS Wildlife Habitat Management Institute website: Knutson, M., and C. Ribic. 2000. Management of riparian habitat for mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Pages 22-24, Appendix C in W. Hohman, ed. NRCS Management and Restoration of Midwestern Riparian Systems Workshop Report. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Chicago, IL.
Publication Year 1999
Title Management of riparian habitat for mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Appendix C
Authors M. G. Knutson, C. Ribic
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype Other Report
Index ID 94815
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
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