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In my experience: Improved capture techniques for psittacines

January 1, 1994

Four methods for capturing psittacines were developed and tested in Puerto Rico from 1991-1993. Elevated mist nets at canopy height in scrub-forest or mangrove habitat captured fewer nontarget birds and possibly more parakeets than mist nets at ground level. Playback of conspecific calls may have attracted parakeets to the net area and reduced the need to erect more than six 12-m long nets. Using 6 nets instead of 12 also reduced the capture rate and captures of nontarget birds. This reduced disturbance at the netting site.....Mist nets, 7.3 m high, surrounding a tree with live decoys within the circle of nets captured parrots effectively when conspecific vocalizations of foraging parrots were played. More parrot captures occurred when the birds were frightened as they approached the decoy inside and below the circle of nets during the early morning. Nets at lower heights (5.8 m) and nets centered perpendicularly on a tree with picture and live decoys failed to capture parrots.

Publication Year 1994
Title In my experience: Improved capture techniques for psittacines
Authors J.M. Meyers
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Wildlife Society Bulletin
Index ID 5222638
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
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