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The national elevation data set

January 1, 2002

The NED is a seamless raster dataset from the USGS that fulfills many of the concepts of framework geospatial data as envisioned for the NSDI, allowing users to focus on analysis rather than data preparation. It is regularly maintained and updated, and it provides basic elevation data for many GIS applications. The NED is one of several seamless datasets that the USGS is making available through the Web. The techniques and approaches developed for producing, maintaining, and distributing the NED are the type that will be used for implementing the USGS National Map (

Publication Year 2002
Title The national elevation data set
Authors Dean B. Gesch, Michael J. Oimoen, Susan K. Greenlee, Charles A. Nelson, Michael J. Steuck, Dean J. Tyler
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
Index ID 70156331
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center
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