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Ontology patterns for complex topographic feature types

April 1, 2011

Complex feature types are defined as integrated relations between basic features for a shared meaning or concept. The shared semantic concept is difficult to define in commonly used geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing technologies. The role of spatial relations between complex feature parts was recognized in early GIS literature, but had limited representation in the feature or coverage data models of GIS. Spatial relations are more explicitly specified in semantic technology. In this paper, semantics for topographic feature ontology design patterns (ODP) are developed as data models for the representation of complex features. In the context of topographic processes, component assemblages are supported by resource systems and are found on local landscapes. The topographic ontology is organized across six thematic modules that can account for basic feature types, resource systems, and landscape types. Types of complex feature attributes include location, generative processes and physical description. Node/edge networks model standard spatial relations and relations specific to topographic science to represent complex features. To demonstrate these concepts, data from The National Map of the U. S. Geological Survey was converted and assembled into ODP.

Publication Year 2011
Title Ontology patterns for complex topographic feature types
DOI 10.1559/15230406382126
Authors Dalia E. Varanka
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Cartography and Geographic Information Science
Index ID 70046816
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Center of Excellence for Geospatial Information Science (CEGIS)
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