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Overview of South‐east Asia land cover using a NOAA AVHRR one kilometer composite

January 1, 1994

A cloud free AVHRR composite of South‐East Asia at one kilometer resolution has been produced from 38 selected daily NOAA‐11 AVHRR images. Geometric accuracy of about 1 pixel is achieved using a two‐step rectification algorithm (orbital model and transformation by ground control points). A spatial and spectral enhancement has been performed, the sea masked out and political boundaries included in the final product. This AVHRR composite is particularly useful for a comprehensive overview of land cover at a regional scale. Qualitative comparison between a monthly composite and the existing forest maps highlights the forest cover change and points out the hot spots where the maps have to be updated.

Publication Year 1994
Title Overview of South‐east Asia land cover using a NOAA AVHRR one kilometer composite
DOI 10.1080/10106049409354471
Authors Pierre Defourny, Udai C. Pradhan, Sritharan Vinay, Gary E. Johnson
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Geocarto International
Index ID 70187025
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center
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