The Kizildag and Guleman areas, Turkey, and the Faryab and Esfandagheh-Abdasht areas, Iran, have produced chromite from ophiolite complexes consisting of harzburgite tectonite, dunite tectonite containing chromitite, pyroxenite, wehrlite, and gabbro. Forty-six samples from these complexes were analyzed in order to investigate the possibility of platinum-group metals being present that could be produced as byproducts. The results, however, indicate concentrations of palladium, platinum, and rhodium ranging up to 46 ppb (parts per billion), 55 ppb, and 24 ppb, respectively. The concentration levels and ratios of these metals are similar to other alpine ultramafic bodies that have been analyzed by modern analytical techniques. Ten samples from massive sulfide deposits in the Gunes and Ergani-Maden areas, Turkey, and the Sheikh Ali mine, Iran, were analyzed also. The results of the analysis suggests a low potential for byproduct palladium, platinum, and rhodium production in these ophiolite-associated massive sulfide deposits.
The four ultramafic and mafic areas in Turkey and Iran under consideration have, and are, producing in 1978 chromite from podiform chromitites in alpine-type complexes. Because of the known association of chromitites and platinum-group metals, a collection of chromitites was made to check their palladium, platinum, and rhodium content to determine if economic concentrations might exist. Also, inasmuch as such rocks are thought to represent parts of the oceanic crust and upper mantle, data on platinum-group elements from these rocks can provide information to design geochemical models for the distribution of these elements. During the field excursions of the CENTO Working Group on Volcanic and Intrusive Rocks and Their Associated Ore Deposits, the Kizildag and Gunes areas, Turkey, were sampled in 1974 and the Guleman area, Turkey; Faryab and Esfandagheh-Abdasht areas, Iran, were sampled in 1975. In addition, samples of massive sulfide ores from the Ergani-Maden area, Turkey, were also collected for analysis, and the results included here.
In this report the geologic framework of these areas is briefly examined as a background for interpreting the concentrations of palladium, platinum, and rhodium in the chromitites and ultramafic and mafic rocks. Comparisons of these analyses with analyses from other areas containing similar rocks show few differences in concentration or proportions of these three platinum-group metals.